
Showing posts from 2018


PowerBI I have been working with Power BI implementation for the last couple of months. It's been a great experience and great tool to create different kind of datasets and dashboards.  There are two important areas which we need to cover in this post. 1) ETL using  Power Query M formula language 2) Aggregation/calculations for reports using DAX Formula 1) ETL: After loading the initial data into powerbi, we can manipulate the datasets as per our present requirement. This is equivalent into our traditional ETL process. Example : let          Source = Sql.Database("", "EXAMPLE"),     dbo_ISSUES = Source{[Schema="dbo",Item="ISSUES"]}[Data],     #"Renamed Columns" = Table.RenameColumns(dbo_ISSUES,{{"PRODUCT", "Product"}}}),     #"Filtered Rows11" = Table.SelectRows(#"Renamed Columns", each true), in <#"Filtered Rows...

Thread dump

What is a thread dump? A thread dump is a snapshot of everything that an application is doing right at the instance it's taken.  If an application log is a diary of a vacation, a thread dump is a photo . A diary will tell you whatever the author (in this case the application itself) thinks is important, but a photo will give you an unfiltered view of that particular moment. String together a couple of photos and you have a powerful tool for finding out what an application was doing over a certain period. A thread dump is just a collection of stack traces, one for each thread that's running in the instance. There are different types of threads, and the number of threads will vary depending on the configuration of the instance. For example, if you have changed the maxThreads value of your HTTP connector in  <install_directory>/conf/server.xml , then the number of HTTP threads in a thread dump will also change. Let's have a look at one of HTTP threads: "htt...